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In-person lessons

Personalised 1-on-1 coaching

Golf is a game with many different components and can be challenging to tackle without direction and guidance. I work in a methodical manner building foundational skill sets and establishing key concepts essential to your growth as a player. 

I have students ranging from the beginner to PGA Tour players experience measurable and verifiable improvement and in addition to technical improvements. I place large emphasis on movement and the human in front of me, in order to best understand how they should move to suit their own body type and key fundamentals for improvement. 

Teaching Philosophy


"Helping golfers of all skill levels worldwide to understand their faults, fixes and functional patterns that devise their own unique golf swing. Standing side by side with players, specialising in helping them elevate their game to unimaginable levels through goal setting, game management and technical improvements leading to becoming a better golfer."

- Alex Clapp


Teaching Facility & technology

Enmore Park GC premier practice facilities are one of the best in the area and latest in technology. A dry range, to protect against the elements, and options to hit off grass or mats. The range is 350 yards long, and 200 yards wide, so plenty of room to work on any aspect of your game. 

There are two chipping greens, a green side bunker and pitching area down the left side of the range. 

The latest in technology from Boditrak pressure mats, GC Quad launch monitor technology, Hackmotion wrist sensor, plus many of the best training aids on the planet, as well as slow motion cameras. 

We also have an indoor simulator, which is great for analysing your distances as well as practicing those swing changes without getting hit by the cold UK winters.

Coaching services

New Student Performance analysis

Player Development Programs


Golf Schools/Golf Mornings

Whether you are new to coaching or a new student of mine, getting a full performance analysis of your game is the perfect way to start your journey. 


The analysis will be first a discussion and analysis of every aspect of your game. Once identified struggles, weaknesses, strengths, we identify goals for future. After this, you start an assessment by myself on every part of your game. 

At the end of the assessment, we map out a blueprint for your continued success and development, and discuss best options for you moving forward.

Assessments typically last 2 hours


You’ll also receive an invitation to a private profile of an online portal where you can recap goals and notes of the session.

55 minute lesson

Monthly player development programs are designed for the golfer looking to have consistent lessons, individual or group as well as being aimed at those golfers who are serious about improving their game. 


Every program are structured and unique for every individual, designed for golfers of all skill and ability levels, from Elite Professionals to complete beginners. 

1 on 1 personal lessons are designed for you and tailored to meet your requirements and aspirations.


Working through what you need and want to work on as a priority, and what you need most help with.

All sessions include high speed video analysis, and use of any launch monitors, or technology when required. 



Golf School mornings or clinics are arranged for groups or individuals wishing to learn more about specific parts of the game, including putting, short game, long game or developing new strategies for on course or stat based analysis. 


Whether you wish to come along and learn more about the golf swing, or the short game, attending a Golf School or Half Day Masterclass is for you.

Development programs

Additional Services

- 55 Minutes Private Instruction


- Video Analysis


- Well rounded game analysis and development.

- Notes and videos from lessons shared so you can keep them and watch back

- 2 x 60 Minutes Private Instruction Per Month


- VIP Lesson Booking Times

- Well rounded game analysis and development.

- Notes and videos from lessons shared so you can keep them and watch back

- 24/7 support away from lessons 

- Statistics Analysis

- On Course Learning

- New Student Performance analysis £80


- Shared 60 Minute Session (2 People)


- On Course Coaching (2 Hours)
*includes green fees and buggies/trolleys

What else is covered


Technical Improvements

Technical improvements to your golf swing, and full golf game. Helping you understand your match ups and enhancing your technique to build a more powerful, efficient swing.


Course Management

& Strategy

Managing your way around the course, and applying the correct strategy at the right time.


Being able to apply the correct strategy in terms of shot selection, club selection, target and many other decisions you have on the golf course can easily shave strokes off your round with ease.  


Performance Practice


Quality of practice and making your practice sessions as close to on course and tournament situations as possible helps develop your skills, technique and ability under pressure.

You will be shown how to put together a practice plan, tracking scores of performance games helps create pressure situations and elevate your game to new levels.

Goal Setting

Setting realistic and achievable goals are key to higher performance levels. Helping guide you along the way, and to keep you in line will push you to reach your targets. 


Putting your own bespoke program together with support, regular reviews and progress report can help fulfil your potential. 


Statistical Analysis

Measuring your stats on course is a better way of tailoring your performance plan to suit you. We are best able to nail down areas for improvement, and maintenance to areas of strengths. Eliminating all guess work of which specific part of your game requires the most attention. Fix the numbers, fix your score, fix your handicap.​


Mental Skills

Improving your mindset and mental areas of your game are vitally important yet the least we pay attention to.


Improvement of a set pre shot routine, transferring range sessions to the course and helping you make the correct mental decision not only over every shot, but in between the good and bad ones, too. 

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